have fun, 我的意思是不要追求象body builder那样的肉,以健康为上,太多肌肉也没用,if it breaks, the weakest link breaks first anyway... 对大部份人来说是心肺功能,所以我觉得多数人,cardio exercise 对他们帮助大些
Like other muscles, Abs need at least 48 hours to recover. Overtraining is a common mistake for beginers who want to build their bodies in a few weeks.
lol.. guess you bought the book "absolute ABS".. yep, I agree with you... 腹肌也是肌肉,跟其他肌肉一样是需要休息,补充的,不见得你可以做bench press100多下吧(copied from the book)