



  • 枫下家园 / 房东 / 租房合同是2013年签的,当时房客承诺剪草,也一直做了11年,直到今年,房客说是房东的责任。房东说这个责任划分政府明确说是房东责任是2018年之后的事情,这个租房合同在那之前。谁在理?
    tenant signed lease in 2013 and they agreed to cut the grass and has for the last 11 years.. now refuses to cut the grass and is calling bylaw to give me a notice.to cut or a fine... i've sold the property LTB hearing May 29/24 .. she's calling bylaw about the grass length.. is there anything i can do until the eviction hearing next month? thanks in advance.
    • 整租就是房客的责任,这是有案列的